This painting was for sale recently on Ebay, I am not sure whether it sold or not. The seller was asking around $1000 maybe for two paintings. I think this painting might have a price pencilled on the rear showing Rs 30/-, if correct this was quite cheap for the time.
He ended up being Principal, at the Government College of Arts and Crafts, Kumbakonam. I think he died in 2010 and the following picture of the artist might have been taken in 2007. I believe this is the same college that Paul Raj studied at but some years before Surendranath.
UPDATE Still for Sale: The owner of this painting and the second has contacted me at the start of September 2011. She lives in the USA and is still looking to sell both paintings. If you are interested in buying one or both of them just email me and I will pass on your details to her.