Admirer of Paul Raj Paintings

My photo
Paul was born in Kodaikanal on 22 September 1914 and died on 2 October 1979. G D Arulraj was born in 1925 and died in June 1972 while visiting India. Arul worked at Laguna Beach in the 60's and 1970's. G D Thyagaraj might have been born in 1922 and I am told that he probably died sometime before 1981. He moved to northern India as a young man. I lived in India as a child and spent a lot of time in Calcutta. My mother purchased several paintings directly from Paul Raj while living in Madras and this got me interested in his works. I then discovered he had two brothers Arul Raj and Thyaga Raj who were both fantastic artists. I could not find much information on the internet so decided to set up my own blog. Subsequently a Facebook tribute site has also been created to the memory of the three brothers. Contact me at:

Saturday, 23 February 2013

G D Arulraj - Studio 1967

I have just been contacted by David who shared a studio with Arul for a while in 1967, he has found a photograph of Arul standing in his half of the studio in front of a selection of paintings by both Arul and his brother Paulraj.
In the foreground on the table can be seen copies of the book called "From INDIA paintings by Arul Raj" which was published by Walter T Foster.  Still available to buy from Ebay today.

Even more incredible is that I own the centre painting resting on the floor, which is a Paulraj painting.  I purchased four paintings in 2009 from California from Ebay.  The other two are by Arul.  My wife has also recognised the painting leaning against the sidewall on the floor.  We also own that one and it is painted by Paulraj's wife Pankajam Paulraj.  I have added copies of the two paintings in the past but have added them again today so viewers can compare.  It has helped date both paintings to around 1967.
And below is the one by Pankajam Paulraj as well.

This makes me think of the theory "Six degrees of separation" which says that Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.

My thanks to David for agreeing that I can add his photo of Arul in the studio and for information on Arul that he has given me.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

G D Paulraj - Carts in Sunlight

I recently spotted a Paulraj painting for sale in the USA and it only sold for $150 who ever purchased this got a real bargain.
He has really captured the shade and sunlight in this painting which is one of his classic cart convoy scenes.  I like this a lot and wished I have put a bid in for it.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Bankura Terracotta Horse from West Bengal

I have wandered round the house today taking a few photos of some Indian items I inherited when my mother died.  I noticed that on our staircase which has a small half landing is stood a 'Bankura Terracotta Horse'.  This was shipped home to the UK from Calcutta in around 1975 by sea in a wooden crate packed with wood shavings.  The horse is black I think there is a red variety as well.  I understand that they are made in West Bengal, this one was purchased in Calcutta around 1970 it could have even been during the 1960s.
As you can see my mother maybe has decorated him with some beads around his neck and he is also decorated with a scarf around his neck.  From the ground to the tips of his ears he measures some 3 feet and 9 inches so it is a fairly large ornament but they do come in bigger sizes as well.

His ears have been damaged over the years and have been glued back together, he is doing quite well as he is over 40 years old.  Hope you like him.

Friday, 8 February 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Outside the Market

This is a bright colourful painting by G D Thyagaraj showing some stalls outside an indoor market if that makes sense.
There is a temple in the background with a nice blue sky.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

G D Paulraj - Stormy Day

I think this is by Paul Raj, the signature is not very clear as it is a low quality photo.
Typical road scene but with no cows just people walking into the wind, the ground looks wet.