Admirer of Paul Raj Paintings

My photo
Paul was born in Kodaikanal on 22 September 1914 and died on 2 October 1979. G D Arulraj was born in 1925 and died in June 1972 while visiting India. Arul worked at Laguna Beach in the 60's and 1970's. G D Thyagaraj might have been born in 1922 and I am told that he probably died sometime before 1981. He moved to northern India as a young man. I lived in India as a child and spent a lot of time in Calcutta. My mother purchased several paintings directly from Paul Raj while living in Madras and this got me interested in his works. I then discovered he had two brothers Arul Raj and Thyaga Raj who were both fantastic artists. I could not find much information on the internet so decided to set up my own blog. Subsequently a Facebook tribute site has also been created to the memory of the three brothers. Contact me at:

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

G D Paulraj - Sweeping

A beautiful painting by Paulraj showing a lady sweeping the area in front of her house.  A nice village scene with an amazing old tree.

Monday, 8 February 2016

G D Thyagaraj - Milling the grain

Nice painting by Thyagaraj showing two women milling some grain, it looks like hard work.  A great building is visible in the background.  In general this is a interesting painting.