Admirer of Paul Raj Paintings

My photo
Paul was born in Kodaikanal on 22 September 1914 and died on 2 October 1979. G D Arulraj was born in 1925 and died in June 1972 while visiting India. Arul worked at Laguna Beach in the 60's and 1970's. G D Thyagaraj might have been born in 1922 and I am told that he probably died sometime before 1981. He moved to northern India as a young man. I lived in India as a child and spent a lot of time in Calcutta. My mother purchased several paintings directly from Paul Raj while living in Madras and this got me interested in his works. I then discovered he had two brothers Arul Raj and Thyaga Raj who were both fantastic artists. I could not find much information on the internet so decided to set up my own blog. Subsequently a Facebook tribute site has also been created to the memory of the three brothers. Contact me at:

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

G D Paulraj - Milling the Corn

Another water colour by G D Paulraj which is a little unusual in that it is painted straight on. His street scenes will always be at an angle to give some perspective.  It is a nice painting not too complicated.
Two women are doing the milling and the grandfather is playing with a small child on the bed.  The shadow of the tree is good against the wall of the house.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

G D Paulraj - Dust and Light

This is a painting by G D Paulraj which is one of four owned by a lady who has shared them on Facebook, it is called Dust and light.  It is one of Paul's classic cart convoy scenes.
Nice painting it has retained the colours well.

Friday, 7 September 2012

G D Thyagaraj - Carts going through the city gate

This is a painting by G D Thyagaraj which is familiar yet different.  Clearly Thyaga painted it several times but with different carts going through it.  This ones shows some carts being pulled by cows.
You can see three gates in total and a cart convoy leaving the city.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

G D Paulraj - Night Meal

This painting is for sale on Ebay at the moment (September 2012) if you are interested it is starting at a low price so you may be able to bag yourself a bargain.  The seller was located in San Diego, California, USA.  It is by G D Paulraj from the time he was living in Madras and is one of his higher quality paintings.

The colours of the saris of the ladies cooking the meal are very bright.  The cows are great as well.
From the label you can see that it sold for Rs. 300/-.  It sold on 8 September 2012 for $375.00 or £233.98 a total of 23 bids.