Admirer of Paul Raj Paintings

My photo
Paul was born in Kodaikanal on 22 September 1914 and died on 2 October 1979. G D Arulraj was born in 1925 and died in June 1972 while visiting India. Arul worked at Laguna Beach in the 60's and 1970's. G D Thyagaraj might have been born in 1922 and I am told that he probably died sometime before 1981. He moved to northern India as a young man. I lived in India as a child and spent a lot of time in Calcutta. My mother purchased several paintings directly from Paul Raj while living in Madras and this got me interested in his works. I then discovered he had two brothers Arul Raj and Thyaga Raj who were both fantastic artists. I could not find much information on the internet so decided to set up my own blog. Subsequently a Facebook tribute site has also been created to the memory of the three brothers. Contact me at:

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Reverse of working in the paddy fields

I first added 'Working in the Paddy fields" back in July 2012 it has just sold on Ebay in December 2013 from a seller in Wales for £58.00.  It has an unfinished painting on the reverse by G D Thyagaraj.
This is one of his popular street market scenes that we have seen many versions of over the years. For some reason it was not finished and the Paddy Fields painting was finished.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Air India - Coaster

Another Air-India drinks coaster must date from the late 1960's is my best guess.  My sister used to have a full set from all the destinations.
This one is just titled 'India' rather than the name of a city.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Temple and Market

Recently sold on the internet for £72.00 very reasonable and quite a nice painting with a little foxing.  Shows a temple in the background and a busy market in the street outside by Thyagaraj.
It is a fairly dark moody painting not sure if this was the original intention or if some colours have faded.

P.S. I have just noticed that I have added this painting previously back in June 2012, it must have been lying low and has re-emerged.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

G D Paulraj - Harvesting

This is a bit of a milestone being my 300th posting to the blog.  It is a painting by G D Paulraj showing some threshing of the crops following the harvesting.  It is a very nice painting.
The colours in this painting are first class it does not seem to have faded at all.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Jamini Roy - In his studio

I thought I would start to add some information on Jamini Roy who was born in the district of Bankura in West Bengal in 1887.  At the age of 16 years he went to Calcutta and joined the Government School of Art.

He started as a portrait painter in olis and by the age of 30 years he was India's most sought after portrait painter.

This shows him in his studio with some of his paintings on the wall behind him.

Friday, 29 November 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Temple and tree

Watercolour by Thyagaraj showing a very large Banyan tree with a small temple in the distance, in the foreground is a small pond.
A very impressive tree I wonder if you can still find such large specimens?

Friday, 22 November 2013

B.O.A.C. and Air India

When I first flew to India I went with B.O.A.C. (British Overseas Air Corporation) which eventually became British Airways (BA).  We sometimes would fly Air India or even Japanese Airlines (JAL) and Qantas.

Today I found on old drinks coaster from Air India it was part of a series covering many different destinations.  I can only find one and this is from Nairobi.
I also used to own a selection of gifts provided by BOAC including a junior size flight bag, larger versions were also available as well.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Taj Mahal 30 July 1971

I was looking through an old scrap book when my family did a tour of India (July 1971 only 42 years ago!) and came across this colour photo of my parents, sister and I sitting on the famous bench on the viewing platform on the approach to the Taj Mahal.
My youngest daughter is actually on holiday in India at this very moment and was visiting the 'Taj' yesterday and it looked very crowded by comparison.  I assume we asked another visitor to take our photograph?

Friday, 1 November 2013

G D Paulraj - Fetching water from the river

Water colour painting recently sold by G D Paulraj.  It some some women carrying water from a river with a large orange tree in the centre of the painting.
I think it may have sold for around $110.00 US dollars.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

G D Paulraj - Delhi Horse Gari

This is a very nice lively scene probably of Delhi showing a 'horse and cart' slightly unusual.  Not sure I can remember a previous horse by Paulraj?
I have a photo of horse taxi from Calcutta from the 1960's, I will have to look for it and scan it and add it to the blog.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 11

This must be a continuation of page 10 as it is for the same date and location.  It reads along the side of the page "Sent to Chandigarh on 28-2-1959".
No 7. SOLD Balcony Rs 125/-
No 6. SOLD Rest Rs 115/-
No 13 Upstairs Rs 125/-
No 15. Basket Seller Rs 150/-
No 3. SOLD Dust & Light Rs 125/-
No 8. SOLD Bazaar Street Rs 115/-
No 14. Fisher woman Rs 125/-

Monday, 14 October 2013

G D Arulraj - In his studio

This is a photograph of Arul at work in his studio I think this was probably taken when he was living in Laguna Beach in the USA.
He has a paint brush in each hand and his board appears to be sitting on two bricks wrapped in paper.  I think it is a great photograph, shame we do not have similar ones for his two brothers at work?  I think it is interesting to see the paintings hanging on his studio wall.  The painting behind his head is familiar.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Green Road

Another typical Thyaga cart convoy scene but this one has very green foliage, the photograph is not very good and a bit small but it does the job.
His bullocks have rather distorted heads which he seemed to struggle with in his earlier paintings and the signature looks like it starts with an 'A' and not a 'G'.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Silver Rupee snuff box

I recently came across this silver snuff box for sale on the internet, I think it eventually sold for around £40.00.  I have seen several similar kinds over the years and they look a fun item to collect.
The box shows two coins one making up the lid and the second the base dating from 1918. However I can not be certain when the box was actually made?  I assume the side of the box is made from drilling through a number of other coins.
I have a collection of rupees but no snuff boxes yet!!!

Friday, 27 September 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Mountains

This is a water colour by Thyagaraj that sold a good few years ago on an auction site which I have just come across recently.  It is quite different in many ways to what Thyagaraj went on to produce as it shows some large mountains in the background.
I do not think that I have added it to the blog before certainly not using the title of 'mountains'.  It is not clear what the workers are doing in the stream in the foreground?

Sunday, 22 September 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 10

Another page from Paul's notebooks, this one is dated 28 February 1959 and says "sent to Chandigarh."
No. 4 Distant well Rs 115/-
No. 2 Bazaar corner Rs 115/-
No. 1Shifting the wheat Rs 115/-
No. 5 Farmers house Rs 95/-
No. 12 Evening light Rs 115/- (marked as sold)
No. 9 The old house Rs 95/- (marked as sold)
No. 10 Homeward bound Rs 95/-
No. 11 Under canvas shade Rs 95/- (marked as sold)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

G D Paulraj - Bullock cart street scene

This is the third of the paintings shared with me by the lady in the USA, it is similar to several done by Paul under the title Delhi Street scene. It shows a heavily laden bullock cart moving down the road in a town.  It is a nice painting dating from around 1958.
Very well painting bullocks lovely blue sky and a crisp white gable end on the house.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Tending the Paddy Fields

Water colour by GD Thyagaraj recently sold in the UK for only £34.99.  Shows a group of ladies working in the paddy fields near a house.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

G D Paulraj - Taxi-cart

This is the second of the painting shared with me by the lady in the USA, it is similar to several done by Paul under the title Delhi Street scene.  This one has a great cart full of passengers being driven down the street.
It is a very nice street scene with plenty if activity, I hope you like itOnce again many thanks to Dot in the USA for letting me post the photo of the painting.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 9

Another page from Paul's notebooks from 1958.
No 7. Temple Tank Rs 95/-
No 8. Under the Banyan Rs 95/-
No 9. Kovalam Beach Rs 85/-

Monday, 5 August 2013

G D Paulraj - Newborn

I was recently contacted by a lady from the USA who owns three paintings by Paulraj which she has inherited from her aunt who spent several years working in Bombay in India around 1958 to 1961.  While she was there she acquired the three paintings.  It is not known if she got them directly from Paul or mail order or from an exhibition.  The first is a rainy day showing a farmer carrying the newborn calf back home.  The colours seem to have faded a bit on the painting.
It is a nice painting but monsoon paintings are not my favourite as I much prefer blue sky.  Many thanks to Dot for sharing these paintings.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Fetching Water

Today I am adding a nice water colour by G D Thyagaraj which shows two women carrying water in large pots on their heads.  In the background is a temple like structure leading down to the waters edge. The photos were sent to me by Fabio in Argentina.
Fabio is interested in selling his painting so if anyone would like to purchase it please email me your contact details and I will send them onto Fabio.  I have also added a photo of the signature from the painting.
I hope you all like this painting and many thanks for sharing the painting I think this is the first time I have been contacted from Argentina.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 8

Another notebook page this one is dated 8 October 1958 which is 55 years ago!
The page reads as follows.

Sent on 8th Oct 58 to Bombay.

No 1. Evening light Rs 115/-
No 2. Palms Rs 95/-
No 3. To the village Rs 115/-
No 4. From the market Rs 95/-
No 5. Play of light Rs 115/-
No 6. Through the fields Rs 115/-

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

G D Paulraj - Evening Meal

This is a poor photograph of a family preparing their evening meal on the banks of a river By G D Paulraj.
I have also attached a close up of part of the painting which is a better quality than the one of the whole painting.
I suspect the colours are better in the smaller photograph.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Market Traders

This is the second painting that 'J' sent me from the USA it is one of Thyagaraj's most regular scenes.
The photo is slightly distorted due to the angle the photo has been taken from.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Market Scene and Temple

I came across this painting earlier in 2013 by Thyagaraj showing a market with a temple in the background.  The colours are a little faded but still plenty of activity within the painting.

In the top left hand corner you can see an elephant decorating the top of the temple.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Official First Day Cover - First Stamps from Bangladesh

My father worked for a company in India that produced printing ink which was used both in the production of the Indian rupee notes and in Indian postage stamps.  Consequently I received quite a few stamps as gifts as a result of this connection.  The postings today is of a First Day Cover of the first stamps of Bangladesh given to me when I lived in Calcutta in 1971.  Calcutta is very close to the border with Bangladesh.
I came across the following website of a collector in the USA of Bangladesh stamps which might be of interest.  The stamps are post marked 29 July 1971, I think Bangladesh declared independence from Pakistan on 26 March 1971 which then started a civil war.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Carts under trees

This is a very similar painting to several I have added for Thyagaraj over the last few years.  Three cart (or is it four?) convoy under a tree lined road.  We know once they had a popular theme the brothers would keep painting them but with slight variations.
Quite a nice painting with dust from the road mingling with the violet sky.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 7

Continuing the notebook pages this is number 7 again I think this is from 1961.

9) Worshippers Rs 125/-
10) Teacher Rs 115/-
11) Street in Delhi Rs 125/- Sold
12 Village tea-stall Rs 115/- Sold
The next order was sent to a lady working in a Bank in Bombay.
1) Farmers' House Rs 115/-
2) Street in old-Delhi Rs 125/-

Saturday, 25 May 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Wet Convoy

As time progresses it becomes harder and harder to be sure that I have not added a particular painting to the blog before.  I have just had to check through around 63 paintings by Thyagaraj on the blog site and I am pretty sure this one has not be shown before.
The fact that all three brothers create variations of the same painting, I assume they were good sellers makes it hard as well.  This one seems to show laden carts coming down a wet and windy road.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Paddy Fields and Temple

This water colour is by G D Thyagaraj and the photograph was sent to me by "J" in Virginia, USA, he purchased two painting from a charity thrift store and was told they had been donated by an airline pilot.  The first I will post today looks like a fairly typical women working in the paddy fields scene, but it differs slightly as in the background on the top of a large hill is a Buddhist Stupa gleaming in the sunlight.
I assume it is meant to be in northern India or maybe in Nepal?  Having the temple just makes it a little bit special.  Thanks to 'J" for letting me add this to my blog.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 6

Another notebook page dating from a transaction on 30 January 1961 consisting of 12 paintings in total being posted to a client working in Bombay.  This page shows eight paintings, the next four will follow in the next notebook page.
The paintings are as follows.
1) At the well Rs 150/-
2) Street in Madras Rs 150/-
3) Evening light Rs 150/-
4) From the field Rs 150/-
5) Transplanting Rs 125/-
6) Rice mill Rs 115/-
7) Dhobi ghat Rs125/-
8) Fruit stall Rs 115/-

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Mahabalipuram - Seven Pagodas

Today I am adding a photograph showing my parents sitting on the statutes leading up to the Beach Temple at the Seven Pagodas site near Madras.  This would have been taken around 1950 as they married in 1949 and then travelled out to India from the UK.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

G D Thyagaraj - From the fields

I think this is a painting by Thyagaraj but the image is of low quality so the signature is a little hard to read.
It seems to be showing some women leaving the fields to head home and a wild and windy day.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 5

This notebook page has 4 small sketches titled:
No (1) Waiting Rs 135/-
No (2) Under the Bannian Rs 135/-
No (3) Scarrowing Rs 150/-
No (4) Palmyara Sow Rs 125/- I am not sure of what this one is depicting I assume it is some kind of crop being planted, I probably have not spelt it correctly.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

G D Thyagaraj - Working in the paddy fields

Watercolour by Thyagaraj showing a group of women working in the paddy fields, It is s theme that he seems to have painted many times.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Great Banyan Tree Calcutta - 1947 Rover P2 Sports Saloon

I am adding three photos showing the Great Banyan tree in Calcutta.  The first shows my father on 25 May 1947 with what must have been a new Rover P2 Sports Saloon car taken at the Great Banyan Tree. He cannot have been in India very long when the photo was taken.
The second photo shows myself climbing on the Banyan tree taken around 1964.
The final photo shows the tree from a distance and it is huge covering around 2.5 acres with several thousand stems, I understand that it is believed to be around 250 years old.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

G D Paulraj - Collecting water

Painting by G D Paulraj recently sold at auction in the USA shows a group of young women filling clay chattees (pots) with water from the village tap.
The auction house had misread the name and had it recorded as Paulrai ending in 'i" and not 'j'.  This is a very pleasant painting.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Qutub Minar - Delhi

I have been looking though some old photograph albums and I came across two photos I took in 1967 of the Qutub Minar minaret in Delhi.  The minaret is believed to have been started in 1192 and measures 72.5 metres in height with 379 stairs.  In the first photo my mother is taking a cine film of the tower.
In 1967 you were still allowed to climb the tower to the top but I think I only went to the first platform which is where the second photo  was taken from.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 4

Another page from Paul's notebooks, this one dates from April 1958 for are priced at Rs 150/- and painting number 3) at Rs 175/-.  The were all sent to a company address in Calcutta.
The paintings are titled :
1) Homeward bound;
2) Transplanting - Malabar;
3) Backwaters - Through the palms;
4) Vegetable market Malabar;
5) Boats in Trivandram.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

G D Paulraj - Carts passing

This painting is currently shown on the Art Discarded blogsite it is quite a nice painting by Paul Raj.  Slightly unusual in that we have two cart convoys going in opposite directions.  The trees on the right hand side are enormous.
It seems this painting dates from 1962 and was probably purchased in Kodaikanal.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook 3

This page continues the order from page 2 and it is in fact dated 29 March 1955 and the order was going to Bombay at Rs 150/- each which was the equivalent of $31.32.
The paintings are titled;
7) Field watcher
8) Under the Banyan
9) Homeward bound

A new order also starts priced at Rs 125/- titles are;
1) Camels in Agra
2) Country road
3) Village daughter

I have never seen a Paul Raj camel, I have seen camels painted by Thyaga Raj.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

G D Paulraj - Notebook page 2 - Mail order sales

I am intending to add a series of Paul Raj's notebook pages these give an idea of the prices he was selling his paintings for in the 1950s, 1960 and 1970s.  They also show one of the ways he sold his painting was by mail order on approval.  He would post a client between six and twelve paintings and they would choose a selection return the rest with the appropriate payment.  The notebooks were a way of keeping track of who he had sent what paintings and what they looked like.  It also gives an idea of the names he gave some paintings.
This page does not have a date or any prices but some later ones do. I have added a pair of pages previously so I have called this one number 2.  They are in no particular sequence.

The six sketches are titled:
1) Daughters of the village
2) Setting sun
3) Street in Madras
4) Dust and light
5) Cumlan Valley (not sure if I have read this title correctly?)
6) Through the fields 

In 1960 there was Rs/- 4.77 = $1.00 so a painting selling for Rs/- 150 was the equivalent of $31.50